Nance Genealogy Clearinghouse Homepage 17th C. (1600's) Virginia NANCE Data

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These are abstracts of records concerning persons with the surname Nance (or variant thereof), in Virginia in the 17th Century (1600's). Each abstract is preceded by the Nance family member's first name, the date of the event referred to in the record, and the county (if available).   The abstracts are arranged by FIRST NAME, and then by date. To look for particular names or other data, use your browser's "Search" or "Find" feature, or these navigation links:

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_____ | 1688 | Charles City | At a Court Holden at Westover 4th February 1688. Present: Maj. Jno. Stith, Capt. Lewellin, Capt. Pr. Perry, Capt. Batte, Mr. Braine, Mr. Bolling, Justices. Order for attachment granted Hon. Wm. Byrd, Esq. on return of non est inventus on estate of Rebecca Hinton, Exec., in the hands of one Nance, who marryed the said Rebecca, for 2855 pds of tobo."Charles City Co, VA Court Records 1687-1695", B. B. Weisiger. [NOTE: Other records in this work, and in "Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Charles City Co Court Orders 1664-1665, Fragments 1650-1696", by Bev. Fleet, show that Rebecca Hinton was the widow and executrix of of Christopher Hinton, who d. aft. 1685 and bef. 1688. ]

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ELIZABETH | 1691 | Charles City | March 3 1691 Court -- Cert. of admin. granted Wm. Epes, who m. Sarah, dau. of ELIZ. (NANCE) Wallis, dec'd., on said. dec'ds. estate. "Charles City Co, VA Court Records 1687-1695", B. B. Weisiger [NOTE: Per "Ancestors & Descendants of Francis Epes I of VA", J. F. Dorman (1992), also, according to J. G. Sullivan materials, "Epes of County Kent" -- ELIZABETH NANCE, died by 1691, had m.(1) Caesar Walpole (d.1678). They had 2 children: Richard and Sarah. Elizabeth (Nance) Walpole m.(2) to James Wallace. (Chas. City Co Order Book, 1676-1679, M. M. Ayres (1968) - Court at Westover 17 Feb. 1678/9 p. 352 - Mr. Jas. Wallis presents to the court an inventory of the 2 orphans of Caser Wallpoll asking that the same be recorded). Sarah Walpole m.(1) to William Jones, he d.abt 1688. [June 4 1688 Court -- Pet. of Wm. Jones, as marrying Sarah, dau. of Cesar Walpole, dec'd, ordered, land bequeathed by his will betw. his 2 children be laid forth & divided]. Sarah (Walpole) Jones then m.(2) to William Epes, 1691, by which time her mother had died. B. B. Weisiger book, 1677-1692 Henrico Co Wills & Deeds, reports Wm. Epes was 19 or 20 years old in a 20 Feb. 1681 deposition. "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds 1713-1728", B. Weisiger (1973), p. 94

ELIZABETH | 1692 | Charles City | 15 Sep 1692 Court -- Ordered, that Wm. Epes, adm'r. of ELIZABETH (NANCE)Wallace, to sequester and detain in his custody the estate of Walpole, an orphan in his keeping, whose estate is intermixed with the estate of Wallace. "Charles City Co, VA Court Records 1687-1695", B. B. Weisiger.

ELIZABETH | 1692 | Charles City | 3 June 1692 Court -- Judgment granted Capt. Fr. Epes vs. Wm. Epes, Adm'r. of est. of ELIZ. (NANCE) Wallis, dec'd., for £5/9, due by bill agst. estate, originally due fr. James Wallis, husband to dec'd. "Charles City Co, VA Court Records 1687-1695", B. B. Weisiger. "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds 1713-1728", B. Weisiger (1973), p. 94 - Nov 7, 1715, Wiliam Epes and Sarah his wife of Parish of Westopher, Pr. Geo., to James Pace of same Parish & Co., 100a. in Westopher , "it being the one moiety of one certain tract formerly belonging to Ceesor Walpool, and by will given to his son and daughter Richard and Sarah Walpool, to be equally divided, containing 201a., by which devise it became vested in said William Epes and Sarah his wife. Bounded by Richard Walpool, Richard Bird, Dodd's, Arthur Biggins, Edward Goodrich, John Hardyman. Witn: Peter Wynne, Shands Raines, Rachel Walpool. "Pr. Geo. Co. Wills & Deeds, 1713-1728", B. Weisiger, p. 679 - Will of William Epes Sr., wife Sarah, mentions "my land at Gravilly Run"].

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RICHARD | 1639 | Henrico | "VA (Land) Patent Book 1" p. 715, Richard Nance patents 300 a. in Henrico Co, 18 Mar 1639, "west upon the land of Willm. Gates, South upon the river, East down the river &c., on the N. Side of the appamatuck river", "due for transportation of 6 persons: Alice his now wife, Robert Perry, Robert Chappel, Geo. Prebedy, Edward Rowlington, Mary Viccars"

RICHARD | 1664 | Charles City | 8 Dec 1664 - Kings Court in Westover Parish, in the county of Charles City - RICHARD NANCE vs. Daniel Llewellyn [NOTE: Nathaniel Tattam is shown as resident at "West Sherlow" in 1624 in Jamestown Census compiled by Paul R. Sarrett, Jr at Jamestown GenWeb site]. cites and 27 Mar 1665

RICHARD | 1665 | Charles City | 27 Mar 1665 - Kings Court [in] James City Parish, in the county of Charles City - ordered that Nathaniel Tatem and Jervis Dix be paid as witnesses for RICHARD NANCE. [NOTE: Nathaniel Tattam is shown as resident at "West Sherlow" in 1624 in Jamestown Census compiled by Paul R. Sarrett, Jr at Jamestown GenWeb site]. (Per J.G. Sullivan, citing Southside Virginian)

RICHARD | 1692 | Charles City | At a Court Holden at Westover 3rd February 1692. Justices present: Capt. Peter Perry, Capt. Henry Batt, Capt. Ch. Goodrich, Capt. John Taylor, Mr. Richard Bland. RICHARD NANCE petitions that Abraham Garth, who hath the estate of his in Garth's possession, bring surety for same. Garth summoned to next court to bring surety. "Charles City Co, VA Court Records 1687-1695", B. B. Weisiger.

RICHARD | 1693 | Charles City | At a Court held April 13, 1693, Abraham Garth and William Gardner his surety enter themselves as security for RICH'D NANCE, an orphan in hands of Garth. "Charles City Co, VA Court Records 1687-1695", B. B. Weisiger. [NOTE: At a 3 Oct 1693 Court, ordered that Christopher Hinton, an orphan12 years old, be bound apprentice til he is 21, to Abraham GOFF (sic). Many references to Abraham GOFF in these records, only references to Abraham GARTH are these 2 involving Richard Nance. Likely that this 12-year-old orphan Christopher Hinton was the son of the Christopher Hinton who d. 1685-1688 and whose widow (Rebecca) had married to a Nance by 1688. If the Abrahams (Garth/Goff) are the same, it suggests that perhaps the Nance who m. Widow Hinton had himself died by 1693, leaving an orphan of his own -- Garth/Goff took both?] [NOTE: Oct 1, 1679, John Pleasants patented land on n.s. James R. for importation of persons including ABRA. GOFF. PB 6 p. 12. On Oct 20 1691, this John Pleasants patented land in this same area for importation of persons including JOHN and JANE SAWKIN. PB 8 p. 173] [Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstacts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants by Nell Marion Nugent, Volume 3 1695--1732 -- Published by Virginia State Library, Richmond, gives the following: pg 69-70 MR. JOHN WOODSON, 2700 acs., Henrico Co; N. side of James River 24 Apr. 1703, p. 525. Beg. at mouth of Gennitoe Cr., 116 pole above a large Ilsand. Trans. of 54 pers: John Tullett, John Whaley, Jno. Wiliamson, JOhn Stubbins, Robert Lang, Rosomond Maden, Mary Crabb, Robert Povall, Saml. Hosier, Mary Fisher, Mary Lydall, Charles Dudley, Joan Dier, James Leach, Hannah Tullett, John Glaney, John Jackson, John Crabb, Daniel Swaley, Tab Tabitha, Martha Hamond, Eliza Povall, John Matthews, Geo. Bloyd, Tho. Piper, JOHN SAWKINS, Mary Mathy, John Lane, John Isbell, John Newmanm, Robert Weaver, Timo. Omooney, Eliza. Carter, John Best, Robt. Povall, Junr., Cha. Douglas, Mary Westly, James Jackson, Robt. Leather, Philip Swinfield; & 14 rights more paid for to Wm. Byrd, Esqr., Auditor.].

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WILLIAM | 1668 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Court Records, 1664-1671", W. P. Haun (1986) --pp. 316-17, 15 Sep 1668, Phillip Limbry appoints bro. (sic), Benj. Harrison [NOTE: Ben. Harrison appears in 1668 Surry County Tithables] power of attorney; Geo. Procter & Wm. Nance witness. Surry Co Records Bk. 1 p. 318; also Va Hist Mg. Vol 42, p. 250, note

WILLIAM | 1670 | Surry | "Colonial Surry", J. Boddie (Gen. Pub. Co. 1959) "Willia. Nance" witnesses a deed from Edward Oliver to Thos. Clarke, 27 Oct 1670. Benjamin Harrison (see William, 1668) is mentioned as a bondsman.

WILLIAM | 1670 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Court Records, 1664-1671", W. P. Haun (1986) --p. 374, 7 Jun 1670, Wm Nance is a tithable (1 tithable person in household). 5 names away on list from Jno. King, who is 2 names away fr. Wm. Rookings

WILLIAM | 1672 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Court Records, 1672-1682", W. P. Haun (1986) --p. 5, 7 May 1762 judgment gr. Wm. Nolland agst. Wm Nance for "866 pds. Tobac & Caske & yree [i.e., 'three'] Indian Coates"

WILLIAM | 1673 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Court Records, 1672-1682", W. P. Haun (1986) --pp. 34, 10 June 1763, William Nance is a tithable (2 tithables in household -- see 1678, in which there are 2 tithables in William's household, one being a Saml. Luis). He is near on list to Jno. King, Wm. Carpenter.

WILLIAM | 1674 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Court Records, 1672-1682", W. P. Haun (1986) --pp.86, 26 Jan 1674, a judgment taken against Wm. Nance by Jno. Cossar for 720 pounds tobacco [Possibly the same matter as the "sute of Jno Causey" referred to in power of atty?]

WILLIAM | 1674 | Surry | (NR) - 1674 and 1678 - William Nance listed tithe tables but not on the 1694 list. (Boddies Col. Surry)

WILLIAM | 1674 | Surry | 25 Jan 1764 "I doe hereby impower William Sherwood to appear for me at ye court for Surry County and answer the sute of Jno Causey, and doe what is requisite wch shall be as effectual as if I myselfe was present. Witness my hand ye 25th janry 1674. Signed: Will Nance. Testes: Edwd O Oliver, Daniel Williams. Surry Records, item No. 70, p. 107.

WILLIAM | 1675 | Surry | "Colonial Surry", J. Boddie (Gen. Pub. Co. 1959), per Order Book 2 p. 83, in 1675 the Grand Jury of Surry Co. cited 29 persons, include William Nance, for violating Sabbath by not attending Parish churches.

WILLIAM | 1677 | Surry | William Nance, surety , July 3 (per NR, which cites "(Tylers Mag. [?])" -- "Surry Co. Ct. Records 1672-1682", W. P. Haun (1989) says that, along with Wm. Carpinder, he was sec. for Judith Parkers' administration of an estate

WILLIAM | 1678 | Surry | "An Alphabetical List of Surry Co Tithables taken 7 June 1678 from Sunken Marsh to the upper end of Surry Co", by Eve Gregory (from Surry Co Deed Book 1671-1684, p. 187) -- Wm. Nance, Saml. Luis 2 (Saml. Luis was living in the household of Wm. Nance but was also a tithable) [NOTE: Wm Nance is not listed as a tithable in this Co. in 1668].

WILLIAM | 1678 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Court Records, 1672-1682", W. P. Haun (1986) --p. 186 1st Jan 1677, Exit. Attachmt. is granted Coll. Thomas Swann Esqre. agt. the Estate of WM. Nance for 230 pd Toba & Caske w. Costs ut. in als. ye said Nance being returned Non Est Invents". [NOTE: The "estate of" does NOT mean he had died. An "attachment" granted meant that Swann was given a lien on any property owned by Wm. Nance which could be found, to the extent necessary to satisfy whatever judgement Swann had. The "non est invents" means that Wm. Nance could not be found, or, more importantly from Swann's standpoint, no PROPERTY of Nance could be found for him to collect from. ]

WILLIAM | 1678 | Surry | (NR) - 1674 and 1678 - William Nance listed tithe tables but not on the 1694 list. (Boddies Col. Surry)

WILLIAM | 1679 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Court Records, 1672-1682", W. P. Haun (1986) --p. 258 1st Jul 1679, Wm. Carpenter [NOTE: In 1668, Wm. Carpenter heads a household in Surry w. 2 tithables; in 1678, Wm. "Carpinder" heads a Surry Co. household of 5 titables, incl. Wm. Knott, Wm. Chivers, Saml. Pollet, a serv. "] & Wm. Nance present themselves security for Wm. Hunt's administration of estate of Judah Parker. [NOTE: In 1678, Wm. Hunt was a tithable in Surry Co. in the household headed by "Mrs. Parker", presumably the widow of Judah Parker]

WILLIAM | 1680 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Court Records, 1672-1682", W. P. Haun (1986) --p. 314, "7br. 8th, 1680", Wm. Nance is on a jury

WILLIAM | 1683 | Surry | "Surry Co. VA Ct. Rec. Ord. Bk 1671-1691, Book IV", W. P. Haun (1990) --p. 429 "JanRy 1st 1683", Exit. Certificate is granted Jno. King [NOTE: John King heads household of 1 tithable in Surry 1668; in 1678 his tithables are Geo. Arnold, Rich. Greene, Luke Mizell] to the Secretary's Office for 500a. of land due for the Impartacon into this Collony of Jno. Bottom? Jno. Elmy, Henter Bradstock, Charles Turner, Jno. King, Allce Ems, Howell Waters, Wm. Narne (sic), Francis Kirkman & Robert Slipe. (See William 1688 entry)

WILLIAM | 1688 | Surry | "VA (Land) Patent Book 7" p. 671, ("John King patents 117 a. in Surry Co.; for transportation of 3 persons: Wm. Nance (?)(sic), Fra. Kirkman, Robt. Slye"., (Presumably, the compiler was in some doubt as to whether they were reproducing the entry correctly. Viewing image of this document at LOV website, it appears that it could be "Narne". See William 1683 entry)

WILLIAM | 1692 | James City | "VA (Land) Patent Book 8" p. 231, "29 Apr 1692 Wm Nance of James City Co patents 520 a. in said county, s. side of Chickahominy R., adjoining Jno. Randall, Gregory Wells, Mr. Bobby, said Nances Neck, 150 a. being due as marryinge the daughter & one of the coheires of Grace Tinsley, who was sister & one of the coheires of Richard Peirce; being part of 600 a. granted sd. Peirce, 12 Sep 1636 and 370 a. upon the said Nances survey . . . [said lands being] due Nance for transportation of 8 (sic) persons, viz.: Anne Keser, Wm. Kent, Wm. ___, Kath. Davis, Eliz. Grocer, Berrebe Farmer, and Nich. Prior") -- NOTE: per letter from Martin L. "Pete" Nance to Walker P. Nance, 4 Dec 1968, "Richard Pierce Jr. obtained a grant in 1636 (his father, Richard Pierce, Sr. w. Eliz. , then desc., children, Grace & Richard, Jr.)" A "Richard Perse", w. "Ux (wife of) Perse" is listed in the 1623 "List of the Livinge and Dead", under the heading "Ye neck of land" on p. 178; this refers to a neck of land in James City Co. The 1636 patent to Richard Peirce described the land as being in James City Co, "a neck of land, on the South side of Chickahominy river, near Warrany old landing place". Robert B. Nance records state that this grant was due Richard Peirce in part in the right of his now father Thomas Ward, and in part from his late father Richard Peirce. Younger Peirce would have been abt 17 years old at this time (Per "Henrico Co VA Deeds, 1677-1705", B. B. Weisiger, Richard Peirce was 61 years old in an April 1, 1680 deposition, and probate of his estate was granted (to John Stowers and William Giles) 6/1/1688); presumably, his mother had remarried to Thomas Ward. NOTE: In August 1751, following the death of Col. Thos Bray, "his Plantation at Nance's Neck, in Charles City County", was put up for sale. : A "Richard Pierce" is listed in the 1679 Tythables For Henrico County, though; others in his group, to be given notice by Coll Wm Byrd, are Coll Wm Byrd, Wm Dany, John Goode, Edwd Jones, Henry (Preut?), Wm Blackman, Gilbert Jones, Henry Sherman Sen, and Richd Ward Sen.] [NOTE: GenForum post by Michelle (Pierce) Wright on January 14, 1999: Dave, have found a reference to a Richard and Elizabeth Pierce. The couple arrived from England in 1624 on the ship Neptune. They landed somewhere in Va. Have not established a direct link with them, but would be intrested in Richard Jr. as a possible link with known relative whose name was either Daniel or Hugh Pierce born April 1, 1551 in Va. Wife unknown, do know he had at least one son himself named John b. June 6, 1775. If you have any more information about them I would be very interested. You can reach me at <> Thank You Michelle (Pierce)Wright ]

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