david b nanceCOPYRIGHT

The text and images at this website are copyrighted by David B. Nance.  

No  commercial  use  may be made of any of the images or text on these pages, in any form (i.e., on the web or in print),  without an express license of rights of use.  No use of any kind (i.e., commercial or otherwise) may be made of any of the images or text on these pages in printed form, without an express license of rights of use. 

Permission is granted for non-commercial use of the images or text on these pages,  in digital form on websites,  if credit and a link back to my website  is included somewhere on the page where the image or text is used.  Permission is also granted to download the images on these pages for personal use in a screen-saver or desktop "wallpaper" or for similar, personal, use.  I reserve the right to revoke any such permissions.

Any and all other uses of the images or text at this website are prohibited without my express consent.   If you are interested in purchasing a print or obtaining a license for use of any of the images or text at this website, or if you have any questions about permissible use(s), please contact me.

